Facial Balancing
Facial balancing is done by treating the face as a whole versus focusing on one specific area, which can often overemphasize a feature and make certain face structures look unproportionate to each other. Treatments include fillers and botox to shape the face, brighten areas of shadowing, create highlights and contours, replace volume loss, and enhance desired features in order to harmonize the face. The goal is to create a result that is natural, refreshed, and rejuvenated!
What is the process?
Facial balancing is customized to your unique features and requires an assessment in order to map out a treatment plan. The treatment can be split into several sessions or some clients also prefer to do the whole face in one day!
Areas Treated: Under-eyes, midcheeks, lips, and jawline
Treated by: Valerie L.
How much does it cost?
Facial balancing can range depending on how much product is needed. Some may need balancing while others may also need years of volume loss restored. However, the treatment starts at $2,700 and up.
Areas Treated: Cheeks, chin and lips
Treated by: Valerie L.